Enabling Environments – ‘The Environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning’. (EYFS Principle).
Welcome to Greenacres Childcare, we hope that you will find this information useful, but obviously only a firsthand visit will demonstrate how you child can benefit from the safe and stimulating environment that we provide.
At Greenacres we believe that building a child’s esteem and confidence is of the utmost importance. If children believe in themselves they will tackle each exciting challenge with confidence, thus learning for experience.
Our team of dedicated staff are committed to creating a secure and loving environment for your child to learn and develop. Each room has been appropriately equipped and the curriculum carefully planned to make learning fun and exciting for each age group.
Every child is unique and every child is special. Therefore the staff will welcome interaction room parents and look forward to regular opportunities to inform you of their progress. The profiles and learning plans of each child will help illustrate their growth, understanding and skills.
Susan Green is the director and owner of Greenacres, with Michelle Strong as the area manager, Each site has a qualified and experienced branch manager, excellent qualified nursery officers and dedicated nursery assistants that further enhance the team.
Greenacres provides care for all family needs with an understanding that busy lives often need flexibility. We are inspected by Ofsted and have an excellent relationship with the local Early Years consultant whom advises and guides us. We are assessed using the IQC (improving quality for children) framework and are always looking ahead how we can make improvements. All of our branches have been awarded outstanding categories with an overall outcome of either good or outstanding which we are very proud of.
But Greenacres is not just for the children. We provide many extra services that make parents lives just that little bit easier. Browse through our website at your leisure and then give us a call to have a look around and a chat if any of our services interest you.